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All rights reserved." }, "BREADCRUMBS": { "COMPANY_HOME": "Company Home", "NOTIFICATIONS_AND_ALERTS": "Notifications & Alerts", "BACK_TO_DASHBOARD": "Back to Dashboard", "CREATE_DOCUMENT_TEMPLATE": "Create Document Template", "UPDATE_DOCUMENT_TEMPLATE": "Update Document Template", "TEMPLATE_LIBRARY": "Template Library", "ARCHIVE_FORMS_LIBRARY": "Archive Forms Library", "COMPLETED_SENT_FORMS_LIBRARY": "Completed / Sent Forms Library", "EDIT_EMAIL_TEMPLATES": "Edit Email Template", "SEND_FORMS": "Send Forms", "REVIEW_AND_SIGN": "Review and Sign", "CREATE_EMAIL_TEMPLATE": "Create Email Template", "EMAIL_TEMPLATE": "Email Template", "CLONE_EMAIL_TEMPLATE": "Clone Email Templates" }, "SIDE_PANEL": { "HOME": "Home", "DOCUMENT": "Document", "CREATE_NEW_TEMPLATE": "Create Document Template", "TEMPLATE_LIBRARY": "Template Library", "COMPLETED_FORMS_LIBRARY": "Completed Forms Library", "SEND_FORMS": "Send Forms", "COMMUNICATION": "Communication", "EMAIL_TEMPLATES": "Email Templates", "CANDIDATES": "Signers", "PROFILE": "Profile", "REVIEW_AND_SIGN": "Review and Sign", "APPROVER": "Approver" }, "DATATABLE_ACTION": { "EDIT": "Edit", "COPY": "Copy", "CLONE": "Clone", "DELETE": "Delete", "ARCHIVE": "Archive", "RESEND": "Resend", "DOWNLOAD": "Download", "SHOW": "Shows:", "RESULTS": "Results", "NO_RECORDS_FOUND": "No records found", "SEARCH_PLACEHOLDER": "Search", "VIEW": "View" }, "PAGES": { "CANDIDATE_SEARCH": { "CANDIDATES_RESULTS": "Signer(s) Results", "TOTAL_SEARCH_RESULTS": "Total Search Results", "SEARCH": "Search", "SEARCH_CANDIDATES": "Search Signer(s)", "RESULTS": "Results", "FOR": "For", "SEE_DETAILS": "See Details", "NO_RESULTS_FOUND": "No Results Found" }, "CANDIDATE_ADMIN_VIEW": { "AT": "at", "YEARS": "Years", "DOCUMENTS": "Documents", "EMAIL_HISTORY": "Email History", "CANDIDATE_UPLOADED_DOCUMENTS": "Signer Uploaded Documents", "UPLOADED_ON": "Uploaded on", "DOWNLOAD": "Download", "SHOW_MORE": "Show more", "SHOW_LESS": "Show less", "COMPLETED_FORMS": " Completed Forms", "REFERENCE_DOCUMENTS": "Reference Documents", "ALL": "All", "SUBJECT": "Subject", "DATE_AND_TIME": "Date & Time Received", "SENDER_EMAIL": "Sender Email", "ATTACHMENT": "Attachment", "ACTION": "Action" }, "CANDIDATE_VIEW": { "MY_UPLOADED_DOCUMENT": "My Uploaded Document", "PHONE_NO": "Phone No.", "EMAIL": "Email", "YEARS_OF_EXPEREINCE": "Years of experience", "CURRENTLY_WORKING_AT": "Currently working at", "PLEASE_REVIEW": "Please Review & Sign", "REVIEW_CONTENT": "Hitt Contracting has sent you this file for your review and signature. Please complete in order to move forward with the interview process." }, "LOGIN": { "EMPOWERING_EMPLOYMENT": "Empowering Employment", "SIGN_IN": "Sign In", "USERNAME": "Username", "PASSWORD": "Password", "REMEMBER_ME": "Remember me", "FORGOT_USERNAME_PASSWORD": "Forgot Password?", "HELLO": "Hello!", "SIGN_INTO_YOUR_ADMIN_PORTAL": "Sign in to Your Admin Portal", "MANAGE_DOCUMENTS": "Manage Documents", "MANAGE_DOCUMENTS_INFO": "Offer secure customer access to intuitive document management system", "CREATE_DOCUMENTS": "Create Documents", "CREATE_DOCUMENTS_INFO": "Offer secure customer access to intuitive document management system", "UPLOAD_DOCUMENTS": "Upload Documents", "UPLOAD_DOCUMENTS_INFO": "Offer secure customer access to intuitive document management system", "VALIDATIONS": { "USERNAME_REQUIRED": "Please enter Username", "PASSWORD_REQUIRED": "Please enter Password" } }, "DASHBOARD": { "DASHBOARD": "Dashboard", "WELCOME": "Welcome", "CREATE_DOCUMENT_TEMPLATE": "Create Document Template", "TEMPLATE_LIBRARY": "Template Library", "COMPLETED_SENT_FORMS_LIBRARY": "Completed/Sent Forms Library", "EMAIL_TEMPLATE_CREATION": "Email Template Creation", "REVIEW_AND_SIGN": "Review and Sign", "USER_MANAGEMENT": "User Management", "SEND_FORMS": "Send Forms", "DOCUMENT_SIGNED": "Document Signed", "EMAILS_SENT": "Emails Sent", "NEW_COMMUNICATION": "New Communication", "TEMPLATES": "Document Templates", "WIDGET1_STR": "Documents you sent have been signed", "WIDGET2_STR1": "You’ve sent", "WIDGET2_STR2": "emails", "WIDGET3_STR1": "You have", "WIDGET3_STR2": "new communications to view", "WIDGET4_STR1": "You have", "WIDGET4_STR2": "Templates in your Library" }, "ACCOUNT_SETTINGS": { "NOTIFICATIONS_AND_ALERTS": "Notifications & Alerts", "CHECKBOX_1": "Notify sender when document is completed", "CHECKBOX_2": "Include attachments", "CHECKBOX_3": "Notify Recipient when document is delinquent", "CHECKBOX_4": "Notify sender when document is received", "LABEL_1": "No. of Days", "LABEL_2": "Email(s) to Carbon Copy on Requests", "LABEL_3": "Change reply-address (if you do not want this to be to sender)", "VALIDATIONS": { "NO_OF_DAYS_REQUIRED": "No. of Days is required", "CC_VALID": "Please enter valid emails separated by semi-colons(;)", "REPLY_TO_VALID": "Please enter valid emails separated by semi-colons(;)" } }, "DOCUMENT_TEMPLATE": { "CREATE_DOCUMENT_TEMPLATE": "Create Document Template", "UPDATE_DOCUMENT_TEMPLATE": "Update Document Template", "COPY_DOCUMENT_TEMPLATE": "Copy Document Template", "SOURCE_PRODUCT": "Source Product", "TEMPLATE_TYPE": "Template Type", "TEMPLATE_VERSION": "Template Version", "DOCUMENT_SOURCE": "Document Source", "TEMPLATE_STATUS": "Template Status", "UPLOAD_YOUR_FILE": "Upload Your File", "FILE_TYPE": "File Type", "NAME": "Name", "DESCRIPTION": "Description", "ACCESSIBILITY": "Accessibility", "FORM_TYPE": "Form Type", "REQUIRE_EXPIRATION_DATE": "Does this form required an expiration date?", "VALID_FROM": "Valid From", "VALID_TO": "Valid To", "COMPLETE_WITHIN": "Complete Within", "FORM_FIELDS": "Form Fields", "SYSTEM_FIELDS": "System Fields", "MAPPED_FIELDS": "Mapped Fields", "SEARCH": "Search", "E_SIGNED_DOCUMENT": " E-Signed Document", "CREATE_TEMPLATE": "Create Template", "UPDATE_TEMPLATE": "Update Template", "MANAGE_PERMISSION": "Manage Permission", "MANAGE_PERMISSIONS": "Manage Permissions", "ADMIN": "Admin", "END_USER": "End User", "EDITABLE": "Editable", "VIEW_ONLY": "View only", "NO_RIGHTS": "No Rights", "REQUIRED": "Required", "RECENTLY_CREATED_DOCUMENTS": "RECENTLY CREATED DOCUMENTS", "MAPPED_FIELD_INFO": "Form Fields and System Fields are unavailable to edit once document template is sent.", "DOCUMENT_TYPE": "Document Type", "MULTIPLE_MAPPED_NOTE": "Multiple mapped fields can have either 'View only' or 'No Rights' permission only.", "VALIDATIONS": { "SOURCE_PRODUCT_REQUIRED": "Please select Source Product", "TEMPLATE_TYPE_REQUIRED": "Please select Template Type", "TEMPLATE_VERSION_INVALID": "Please enter Valid Template Version", "DOCUMENT_REQUIRED": "Please Upload Document", "DOCUMENT_ENTER": "Please Enter Document Text", "FORM_NAME_REQUIRED": "Please Enter Form Name", "FORM_NAME_INVALID": "Please Enter Valid Form Name", "DESCRIPTION_REQUIRED": "Please Enter Description", "FROM_DATE_INVALID": "Please Enter Valid From Date", "TO_DATE_INVALID": "Please Enter Valid To Date", "DAY_WITHIN_REQUIRED": "Please Enter Days", "DATE_RANGE_INVALID": "To Date cannot be before From Date.", "FORM_FIELD_REQUIRED": "Please Select Document Field", "SYSTEM_FIELD_REQUIRED": "Please Select System Field", "MAPPED_FIELD_REQUIRED": "Please Select Mapped Field(s) to remove", "FILE_TYPE": "Please Select File Type", "SIGN_NOT_MAPPED": "Please map signature field if document template is E-Signed document.", "FIELD_PERMISSION_REQUIRED": "All mapped fields permission is required for both Admin and End user!", "FORM_SHOULD_NOT_BLANK": "Form should not be blank" } }, "TEMPLATE_LIBRARY": { "TEMPLATE_LIBRARY": "Template Library", "ARCHIVE_FORMS_LIBRARY": "Archive Forms Library", "ADD_NEW_TEMPLATE": "Add New Template", "ACTIVE_TEMPLATES": "Active Templates", "ARCHIVED_TEMPLATES": "Archived Templates", "SELECT_TEMPLATE_INFO": "Select a template from the list below to edit.", "FORM_NAME": "Form Name", "UPLOAD_DATE": "Upload Date", "UPLOADED_BY": "Uploaded By", "EXPIRES": "Expires", "VALID_FROM": "Valid From", "VALID_TO": "Valid To", "ACTION": "Action", "TEMPLATE_IN_USE": "Document template in use" }, "COMPLETED_SENT_FORMS_LIBRARY": { "COMPLETED_SENT_FORMS_LIBRARY": "Completed / Sent Forms Library", "ACTIVE_DOCUMENTS": "Active Documents", "ARCHIVED_DOCUMENTS": "Archived Documents", "DOCUMENT_NAME": "Document Name", "SENT_DATE": "Sent Date", "SENDER": "Sender", "RECEIVER": "Receiver", "RECEIVER_EMAIL": "Receiver Email", "SIGNED": "Signed", "STATUS": "Status", "ACTION": "Action", "TITLE": "Document Title" }, "EDIT_EMAIL_TYPES": { "EDIT_EMAIL_TEMPLATES": "Email Templates", "EDIT_TEMPLATE": "Edit Template" }, "EDIT_EMAIL_TEMPLATE": { "CREATE_EMAIL_TEMPLATE": "Create Email Template", "TEMPLATE_NAME": "Template Name", "LANGUAGE": "Language", "MESSAGE": "Message", "TAG_INFO": "You can use tags like firstname, lastname etc. by using @ key", "EDIT_EMAIL_URL_TAG_INFO": "You can add Review and Sign link by using {{EmailUrlLink}} keyword.", "SYSTEM_TEMPLATE": "System Template", "CUSTOM_TEMPLATE": "Custom Template", "FROM_EMAIL": "From Email", "FROM_NAME": "From Name", "CC_EMAIL": "CC Email", "SUBJECT": "Subject", "SELECT_CATEGORY": "Select Category", "SELECT_LANGUAGE": "Select Language", "VALIDATIONS": { "TEMPLATE_NAME_REQUIRED": "Template name is required!", "EMAIL_REQUIRED": "Email address is required!", "EMAIL_INVALID": "It must be a valid email address!", "SUBJECT_REQUIRED": "Subject is required!", "SUBJECT_INVALID": "Following special characters are not allowed \"*',.!?:;--", "CATEGORY_REQUIRED": "Category is required!", "TEMPLATE_NAME_INVALID": "Special characters are not allowed!", "LANGUAGE_REQUIRED": "Language is required!", "FROM_NAME_REQUIRED": "From name is required!" } }, "SEND_FORMS": { "SEND_FORMS": "Send Forms", "ACTION_REQUIRED": "Action Required", "REFERENCE_DOCUMENT": "Reference Document", "ALL": "All", "FORM_NAME": "Form Name", "TITLE": "Title", "FILETYPE": "FileType", "CATEGORY": "Category", "CREATOR": "Creator", "CREATION_DATE": "Creation Date", "DOCUMNET_SELECTED_ERROR": "In order to move to the next step, at least one document must be selected.", "DOCUMNET_SELECTED_ERROR_HTML_PDF": "In order to move to the next step, select either PDF or HTML at a time.", "DOCUMNET_SELECTED_ERROR_HTML_MORE_THAN_ONE": "In order to move to the next step, select only one HTML at a time." }, "SEND_FORM_DETAILS": { "SEND_FORMS_DETAILS": "Send Forms Details", "DOCUMENTS": "Documents", "ACTION_DOCUMENTS": "Action Documents", "REFERENCE_DOCUMENTS": "Reference Documents", "EMAIL_ADDRESS": "Email Address", "SUBJECT": "Subject", "EMAIL_SUBJECT": "Email Subject", "ADDITIONAL_Signer(s)": "Additional Signer(s)", "ADDITIONAL_EMAIL": "Email Address of additional Signer(s)", "SEPARATE_EMAIL_WITH_COMMAS": "Separate email with commas", "MESSAGE": "Message", "CC": "CC(Non-Signer)", "RECENTLY_CREATED_DOCUMENTS": "RECENTLY CREATED DOCUMENTS", "VALIDATIONS": { "EMAIL_REQUIRED": "Email Address is required", "EMAIL_VALID": "Email must be a valid email address", "SUBJECT_REQUIRED": "Subject is required", "ADDITIONAL_SIGNERS_VALID": "Please enter valid emails separated by comma(,)" } }, "REVIEW_AND_SIGN": { "REVIEW_AND_SIGN": "Review and Sign", "SENDER": "Sender", "COMMENTS": "Post any comments here", "ATTACH_FILE": "Attach a File", "POST_COMMENT": "Post", "POST_COMMENT_TITLE": "Post Comment", "ACTION_DOCUMENTS": "Action Documents", "REFERENCE_DOCUMENTS": "Reference Documents", "CREATED_ON": "Created on", "SIGNED": "Signed", "VALIDATIONS": { "COMMENTS_REQUIRED": "Please add comments", "SIGNATURE_MISSING": "Signature is missing. Please sign the document.", "VALIDATION_MESSAGE": "Please check the inputs added." }, "DECLINED": "Declined", "CANCELLED": "Canceled", "COMMENTSPLACEHOLDER": "Comments will be typed here" }, "REGISTER": { "EMPOWERING_EMPLOYMENT": "Empowering Employment", "REGISTER_NOW": "Register Now", "FIRST_NAME": "First Name", "LAST_NAME": "Last Name", "EMAIL_ADDRESS": "Email Address", "PHONE_NUMBER": "Phone Number", "SECURITY_QUESTION_1": "Security Question 1", "SECURITY_QUESTION_2": "Security Question 2", "SELECT_SECURITY_QUESTION": "Select Security Question", "ANSWER_TO_SECURITY_QUESTION": "Answer to Security Question", "SIGN_UP": "Sign Up", "Registration_Success": "Registration completed successfully", "VALIDATIONS": { "ERROR_MSG": "We cannot log you into the system at this time. Please reach out to your administrator for more details.", "FIRST_NAME_REQUIRED": "First name is required!", "LAST_NAME_REQUIRED": "Last name is required!", "PHONE_NUMBER_REQUIRED": "Phone number is required!", "PHONE_NUMBER_INVALID": "Invalid phone number!", "SECURITY_QUESTION_REQUIRED": "Security question is required!", "SECURITY_ANSWER_REQUIRED": "Answer to security question is required!" } }, "FORGOT_PASSWORD": { "EMPOWERING_EMPLOYMENT": "Empowering Employment", "FORGOT_PASSWORD": "Forgot Password", "EMAIL_ID": "Email ID", "SECURITY_QUESTION_1": "Security Question 1", "SECURITY_QUESTION_2": "Security Question 2", "VALIDATIONS": { "ERROR_MSG": "Your identity could not be verified. Please reach out to your administrator for more details", "EMAIL_IS_REQUIRED": "Please enter Email ID", "SECIURITY_ANSWER_1_REQUIRED": "Please enter Security Answer 1", "SECIURITY_ANSWER_2_REQUIRED": "Please enter Security Answer 2" } }, "RESET_PASSWORD": { "EMPOWERING_EMPLOYMENT": "Empowering Employment", "RESET_PASSWORD": "Reset Password", "NEW_PASSWORD": "New Password", "CONFIRM_PASSWORD": "Confirm Password", "VALIDATIONS": { "NEW_PASSWORD_REQUIRED": "Please enter New Password", "CONFIRM_PASSWORD_REQUIRED": "Please enter Confirm Password", "PASSWORD_DO_NOT_MATCH": "New Password and Confirm Password do not match." } }, "EDITABLE_PDF": { "IS_REQUIRED": " is required", "IS_NOT_VALID": " is not valid" }, "SHARED_COMPONENTS": { "FILE_UPLOAD": { "UPLOAD_DOCUMENT": "Drag and Drop your files here or", "UPLOAD_YOUR_IMAGE": "Drag and Drop your image here or", "DRAG_AND_DROP": "Drag and Drop", "YOUR_FILES_HERE": "Your files here or", "BROWSE": "browse", "ACCEPTED": "Accepted", "EXTENSION_ERROR": "Please upload files having following extensions only: ", "FILE_SIZE_ERROR": "Please upload file up to ", "EXECUTABLE_ERROR": "Executables can't be included as attachments", "BROWSE_FILES": "Browse Files", "UPLOAD_SUCCESS": "Upload successful!" }, "MODALS": { "UPLOAD_FILE": "Upload File", "ATTACHMENT_TYPE": "Attachment Type", "PLEASE_UPLOAD_FILE": "Please upload File", "DECLINE_INFO": "Please complete the information below to decline your signature.", "TO": "To", "COMMENTS": "Comments", "PLEASE_ENTER_VALID_COMMENTS": "Please enter Valid Comments", "PLEASE_SELECT_ATTACHMENT_TYPE": "Please select attachment type.", "REGISTER_TITLE": "Please register or sign in to continue", "REGISTER_BODY": "Registering for your account allows you to easily access your documents to view, complete, download and print.", "ARE_YOU_SURE": "Are You Sure?", "YES_DELETE_DOCUMENT": "Yes, delete this document", "ONCE_DOCUMENT_DELETED": "Once document is deleted, there will no longer be a record of this document in the system. This action cannot be undone.", "Remove_Action_Required": "Remove Action Required Attachment!", "Remove_Reference_File": "Remove Reference File Attachment!", "Declined_Sent_Successfully": "Decline message sent successfully!", "Changes_Requested_Successfully": "Changes Requested Successfully!", "One_Document_Archive": "By archiving this document, the document will be moved from Active Documents to Archived Documents and some actions will no longer be available.", "Yes_Archive_Document": "Yes, archive this document", "Document_Uploaded_Successfully": "Document Uploaded Successfully." } }, "APPROVER": { "APPROVER_LIST": "Approver List", "ADD_NEW_LIST": "Add New List", "GROUP_NAME": "Group Name", "CREATE_DATE_AND_TIME": "Create Date & Time", "CREATED_BY": "Created By", "ACTION": "Action", "ADD_APPROVERS": "Add Approvers", "ADD_GROUP_NAME": "Add Group Name", "ADD_APPROVERS_TO_GROUP": "Add Approvers to Group", "EXPIRATION_DATE": "Expiration Date", "IS_MANDATORY": "Is Mandatory", "VALIDATIONS": { "APPROVER_EMAIL_REQUIRED": "Please add approver email.", "APPROVER_EMAIL_ALREADY_ADDED": "This email already added in group.", "ADD_AT_LEAST_ONE_APPROVER": "Add at least one approver in the group." } } }, "COMMON": { "CLOSE": "Close", "SAVE": "Save", "CANCEL": "Cancel", "JUMP_TO": "Jump to:", "SEND": "Send", "SEND_AND_CONTINUE": "Send & Continue", "NEXT": "Next", "BACK": "Back", "ZOOM_OUT": "Zoom Out", "ZOOM_IN": "Zoom In", "ZOOM_RESET": "Zoom Reset", "PREVIEW_FORM": "Preview Form", "PRINT_DOCUMENT": "Print Document", "DECLINE_TO_SIGN": "Decline to Sign", "REQUEST_CHANGE": "Request Changes", "SUBMIT": "Submit", "RESET": "Reset", "FileNotFound": "File Not Found.", "SEARCH": "Search", "SHOW": "Show:", "ALL": "All", "SELECT": "Select", "SELECT_COMPANY": "Select Company", "Loading": "Loading...", "Updating": "Updating...", "SKIP": "Skip", "CONTINUE": "Continue", "OK": "Ok", "CLEAR": "Clear", "SIGN": "Sign", "VALIDATION_ERROR": "Please correct following input requirements", "GenericErrorMessage": "System is unable process request at this moment", "CONSUMER_DISCLOSURE_1": "I am applying an e-signature in my name to this document and have read the", "CONSUMER_DISCLOSURE_LINK": "Consumer Disclosure", "DOWNLOAD": "Download", "SESSION_TIMEOUT": "Your session is expired. Please login again to continue.", "NO_INTERNET": "Please check the internet connection.", "SESSION_IDLE": "Your session has been idle for 13 Minutes.", "SESSION_IDLE_DOC_TEMPLATE": "Your session has been idle for 2 Hours.", "SESSION_IDLE_EXPIRE": "Current session will expire in next 2 Minutes.", "STAY_SIGNED_IN": "Stay Signed In", "UNAUTHORIZE_ACCESS": "Unauthorized Access", "UNAUTHORIZE_ACCESS_ERROR": "You do not have access to this page and content on it.", "TOKEN_EXPIRED": "Token Expired", "CBAT_DOCUMENT_SAVE": "Document saved successfully", "TOKEN_EXPIRED_ERROR": "Please contact the email address located on the initial email to request a new email to the documents." }, "SIGNATURE": { "SIGNATURE_INFO_TEXT": "Use the below Signature to sign the document.", "SIGNATURE_FOOTER": "Type your Full name below and Click Sign to proceed. Your signature will appear in handwriting font.", "SIGNATURE_SIGN_DOCUMENT": "Use the below Signature to sign the document.", "SIGNATURE_UPLOAD": "Upload Signature", "SIGNATURE_DRAW": "Draw your signature below, then click Save to continue.", "SIGNATURE_DRAW_TITLE": "Draw Signature", "SIGNATURE_DRAW_TEXT": "Easily draw your signature using mouse or trackpad", "SIGNATURE_LIBRARY": "Signature Library", "SIGNATURE_TYPE": "Signature Type", "PREVIEW": "Signature Preview", "SIGNATURE_TYPE_TEXT": "Type your signature using keyboard and choose a style" } }