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  1. Document Management System
  2. DMS-617

Offer Letter Templates



    • Type: Epic
    • Status: In Progress
    • Priority: Medium
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Affects Version/s: None
    • Labels:
    • Company:
    • Epic Name:
      Offer Letter Templates


      Offer the ability to create and modify offer letter templates with tags that can be used to send offer letters to candidates.

      User Stories
      1. As a CBAT user with permission to offer letter templates, I am able to create new offer letter templates so that I can use to send offers.
      2. As a CBAT user with permission to offer letter templates, I am able to edit existing offer letter templates so that I can make updates and use to send offers.
      3. As a CBAT user with permission to offer letter templates, I am able to archive existing offer letter templates so that it can no longer be used, but will be stored in the archives for record.
      4. As a CBAT user with permission to offer letter templates, I am able to use tags within templates so that data from within CBAT is able to populate within the offer letter.
      5. As a CBAT user using tags within the template, I am able to see that data is populated in a visually appealing way so that candidates see a professional final document.
      6. As an admin in CBAT, I can determine who is able to create, edit, and delete offer letter templates from an access level so that only the desired users can do these actions.
      7. As a CBAT user with permission to offer letter template, I am able to see the library of all available templates so that I know what already exists.
      8. As a CBAT user triggering an offer, I am able to use offer letter templates when triggering an offer within CBAT so that I do not have to start from scratch.

      *I have uploaded two examples of a preview of an offer in the system and then what candidate would see / sign. This is from Workday.

      Entry Criteria:
      1. The user is logged into CB Applicant Tracking.
      2. The user navigates to Offer Letter Templates in the toolbox.
      3. The user creates new template or updates existing template (iframe or something similiar of DMS).

      Exit Criteria:
      *The user clicks save.
      *The user exits / navigates to other areas of CB Applicant Tracking.

      Acceptance Criteria:
      *IF I am in CB Applicant Tracking, I am able create new offer letter templates.
      *IF I am in CB Applicant Tracking, I am able to edit existing offer letter templates.
      *IF I am in CB Applicant Tracking, I am able to archive existing offer letter templates and have a record of them.
      *IF I am in CB Applicant Tracking creating an offer letter template, I am able to pull in various tags so that data populates within the template.
      *IF I am in CB Applicant Tracking using tags within templates, I am able to see that data populates when using tags and the finished product looks professional.
      *IF I am an admin of CBAT, I am able to use an access level to restrict or give access to offer letter templates to specific individuals / groups.
      *IF I am in CB Applicant Tracking and have access to offer letters, I can see the library of existing, available offer letters when looking at all offer letter templates, and when triggering an offer.


      • User is a current user of CBAT.
      • User knows how to access DMS within CB AT application.
      • User has been given permission to Offer Letter Templates.




            samir Samir
            molly.ronovsky Molly Ronovsky (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            1 Start watching this issue

