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  1. Document Management System
  2. DMS-621

Accept / Reject Offer Letter



    • Type: Epic
    • Status: To Do
    • Priority: Medium
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Affects Version/s: None
    • Labels:
    • Company:
    • Epic Name:
      Accept / Reject Offer Letter


      Offer the ability for end user / candidate to sign and accept or reject an offer letter once received. If the offer is rejected, they are able to input a reason as to why it was rejected.

      User Stories
      1. As an end user that has received an offer letter, I am able to sign the offer letter with a digital signature.
      2. As an end user that has received an offer letter, I am able to accept the offer that was sent to me digitally.
      3. As an end user that has received an offer letter, I am able to reject an offer letter digitally.
      4. As an end user that has rejected an offer letter, I am able to input reasons as to why I am rejecting the offer.
      5. As a CBAT user, I am notified that candidate has either accepted or rejected an offer via email so that I can take next steps.

      *Entry Criteria: *
      1. End user receives offer via email.
      2. End user opens offer letter.

      Exit Criteria:

      • End user signs and accepts or rejects offer.
      • End user closes or inputs rejection reasons.

      Acceptance Criteria:
      *IF I am an end user that has received an offer letter, I am able to sign and accept the offer electronically.
      *IF I am an end user that has received an offer letter, I am able to reject the offer electronically.
      *IF I am an end user that has received an offer letter and rejected the offer letter, I am able to input reasons as to why I am rejecting the offer.
      *IF I am a CBAT user, I receive notifications via email of rejection / acceptance of offers.


      • End user has been sent offer letter via email.




            samir Samir
            molly.ronovsky Molly Ronovsky (Inactive)
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