Status: In LB Testing
Resolution: Unresolved
Affects Version/s: None
Fix Version/s: None
Component/s: UI Refresh
Bug Type:Functional
Bug Severity:Medium
Module:BenAdmin - Enrollment
Reported by:Harbinger
Company:All Clients/Multiple Clients
Item State:Development - On Hold
Pre - requisite
1.Dental plan - With additional eligibility City=Pune
2.Vision Plan is contingent on Dental
3.Vision Plan- Select Benefit Type- Dental, Contingent benefit rule - Enrollment required if enrolled into ANY selected contingent benefit type
1.Login with EE credential
2.OE started
3.EE visited to Enroll Now page
4.Enrolled into Medical plan
5.Enrolled into Dental plan - due to force contingency vision also get enrolled
6.Now change EE city to other
7.Now visit to Enroll now page
Actual- Vision plan did not get terminated
Expected - It should get terminated after his parent plan get ineligible
- is caused by
NF-4352 Enroll now V2 Changes
- Production Complete