Status: Production Complete
Resolution: Bug Fixed
Affects Version/s: None
Fix Version/s: None
Component/s: UI Refresh
Bug Type:UI
Bug Severity:Medium
Module:BenAdmin - Enrollment
Reported by:CareerBuilder
Item State:Stage QA - Production Deployment on Hold
Steps to reproduce: Log in as employee (pejo01011985 | Password@1 | FDU). Initiate a Qualifying Event to be routed to QE Workflow’s Enroll now Page.
Notes: (Viewing at 100%) Other than icon issue for HSA noted in another task, you notice the font of the ‘Coverage’ field is different. Additionally, the Employee Contribution also spill into second line. The same issue also occur for benefit type ‘Dependent Care Flexible Spending Account’ on this account
Action: Identify what causes these two plans to fail and see if it can impact on other types. Address the font and alignment issue for all impacted plans.
- is caused by
NF-4352 Enroll now V2 Changes
- Production Complete