Status: Resolution Setting
Resolution: Done
Affects Version/s: None
Fix Version/s: None
Component/s: UI Refresh
Bug Type:Functional
Bug Severity:Medium
Level:Admin, Employee, Partner
Module:BenAdmin - Enrollment
Reported by:Harbinger
Company:All Clients/Multiple Clients
Item State:Stage QA - Production Deployment on Hold
Code Reviewed By:Rohan Khandave
Pre Requisite - Plan has 2 sub plans.
Steps to Repro -
- Go to Enroll Now and Enroll into Medical plan with One Sub Plan
- Now again go to same plan and select Second Sub Plan
Expected Result - Keep plan button should Change to Enroll Now
Actual Result - Keep plan is showing. and on clicking on Keep plan enrollment not changes.
Same issue is for Reverse scenario -
- Go to Enroll Now and Enroll into Medical plan with both Sub Plans
- Now again go to same plan and De-select one Sub Plan
Expected Result - Keep plan button should Change to Enroll Now
Actual Result - Keep plan is showing. and on clicking on Keep plan enrollment not changes.
It is on All companies but you can refer " CHMC For HSPL Testing" company and DENIS AHIMBISIBWE employee.
- is caused by
NF-4352 Enroll now V2 Changes
- Production Complete