Status: Closed
Resolution: Done
Affects Version/s: None
Fix Version/s: None
Component/s: ACA
Bug Type:Functional
Bug Severity:Medium
Module:ACA - Reports
Reported by:Client
Item State:Production Complete - Closed
Sprint:WT Sprint 41
1.Login to LB.
2.Edit company say 'Caiso for Hspl'.
3.Create a template as specs given for Worxtime.
4.Export template.
5.Check sample employee data e.g. Robert B Russell
Actual: Data of all dependents is not reflected file.
Expected: Data of all dependent should reflect on file.
- is cloned by
NF-5565 CLONE - ACA_Worxtime Feed_All dependents are not reflected on file.
- Production Complete
3C's :
Concern : Here the basic issue is, if we export file records gets duplicated on file.
Cause : While exporting ACA template, If employee has multiple enrollments during the exporting tenure i.e. From and To Date and ACA Minimum cost field is mapped in template then records gets populated multiple times or duplicated.
We have not putted check for enrollment effective date there.
Correction : When we exposed minimum cost field we have checked UserID, RundateMaintainance. We had not checked the enrollment effective date.
Now we have added below check while exporting data for minimum cost field and issue gets resolved.
EMPENROll.EffectiveDate BETWEEN OES_VIEW_ACA_MinimumCostPlan.MonthStartDate AND OES_VIEW_ACA_MinimumCostPlan.MonthEndDate