

    • Type: Epic
    • Status: To Do
    • Priority: Medium
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Affects Version/s: None
    • Fix Version/s: Winter release
    • Labels:
    • Company:
    • Epic Name:
      DMS Email Templates


      Allow DMS users to create and save branded email templates within the DMS populating information from consuming applications.

      User Stories
      1. As a DMS user, I want to be able to create and save email templates within the DMS so that I can send them to end users.
      2. As a DMS user, I want the ability to populate template with data from consuming applications (ie. Offer data from the candidate form in the ATS).
      3. As a DMS user, I want some type of editor to be available to use (Bee Editor) so that the email templates that are sent to end users are custom / professional and I have the ability to add various types of design, images, videos, etc.
      4. As a DMS user, I want to be able to add the ability for an end user to esign the template (ie. Offer letter).
      5. As a DMS user, I want the ability to lock down fields so that they cannot be edited or changed.
      6. As a DMS user, I want the ability to resend a previously sent template so that end user can receive if they cannot find.
      7. As a DMS user, I want the ability to preview and edit the template before sending to end user.
      8. As a DMS user, I want to be able to see a historic log of the email templates I have sent from the DMS so I can refer back and as well as resend, if needed.
      9. As a DMS user, I want to be able to enter email into multiple languages so that end user sees email in proper language.

      Entry Criteria:
      *DMS user goes into DMS and navigates to email templates.

      Exit Criteria:
      *The DMS user previews / edits email.
      *The DMS user sends email to end user.
      *The DMS user exits DMS.

      Acceptance Criteria:
      *IF I am a DMS user, I have the ability to create email templates using various layouts with the ability to pull in various types of features like videos, pictures, etc.
      *IF I am a DMS user, I have the ability to pull in fields from consuming applications so that emails are dynamically populated with information.
      *IF I am a DMS user, I have the ability to request an esignature from the end user.
      *IF I am a DMS user, I have the ability to lock down certain information so it may not be edited.
      *IF I am a DMS user, I have the ability to preview what will be sent to the end user before it is sent so that I can make any modifications I might want to make.
      *IF I am a DMS user, I have the ability to see a historic log of email templates that have been sent and I can resend, if needed.
      *IF I am creating a template, I am able to put in multiple languages.


      • User is a current user of CBAT, CBES, or WT.
      • User knows how to access portal either by link or within CB application.


        1. content.png
          22 kB
        2. settings.png
          21 kB
        3. DMS-10.pptx
          142 kB
        4. DMS10.pdf
          59 kB
        5. New Email Template Editing.png
          New Email Template Editing.png
          205 kB
        6. New Email Template.png
          New Email Template.png
          195 kB
        7. New Email Template Editing GText.png
          New Email Template Editing GText.png
          195 kB
        8. New Email Template Lock Fields.png
          New Email Template Lock Fields.png
          199 kB
        9. New Email Template rows.png
          New Email Template rows.png
          188 kB



            samir Samir
            molly.ronovsky Molly Ronovsky (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue

