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  1. Document Management System
  2. DMS-1108

Mobile Responsive Enhancements



    • Type: Epic
    • Status: To Do
    • Priority: High
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Affects Version/s: None
    • Fix Version/s: None
    • Labels:
    • Company:
      All Clients/Multiple Clients
    • Epic Name:
      Mobile Responsive



      There is a shift in mobile usage across all User Types within CB, this includes Job Seekers/Candidates/Applicants (the most) as well as Employers (less, but still a need).  Because of this need for mobile applications, DMS needs to be able to support integration with CB products that have Mobile Apps.

      Current Mobile Apps to potentially support include SMB, CBAT, TDP and Consumer.  There is no dependencies of other teams (yet) or updated functions for Mobile Apps, the work needed is strictly around the UI.


      1. The current UI that has been developed for Websites need to be adopted to be used within Mobile Apps
        • No new functions or actions are needed, just pure UI updates to:
          • User Flows.
          • Actions/Buttons.
          • Navigation.
          • UI of tables and images.
          • Color Templates/Standards.
      2. There will be unique controls and flows that are tied to being inside of a Mobile App, but these need to respect the standards that are in place by the UX team.
        • In addition to the UX Standards, there are unique elements that are tied to iOS and Android devices which also must be respected.
      3. In addition to being used within Mobile Apps, there needs to be work on ensuring that the Website is responsive down to Mobile Web.
        • This will allow for when a User accesses a CB product from their mobile device or tablet via a web browser rather than a Mobile App.
        • Tablets are unique in which they can either download the App or use Mobile Web.
          • But there should not be designs unique to Tablets, they can leverage either the App or Web.


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              Robert.Malony Robert Malony (Inactive)
              Robert.Malony Robert Malony (Inactive)
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              2 Start watching this issue

