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  1. Document Management System
  2. DMS-1112

Pre-Verification Data Control



    • Type: Epic
    • Status: In Progress
    • Priority: High
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Affects Version/s: None
    • Fix Version/s: None
    • Labels:
    • Company:
      All Clients/Multiple Clients
    • Epic Name:
      Pre-Verification Data


      In the Spring 2019 Release, there was a POC done to explore the capabilities of using blockchain technology to allow for Job Seekers/Candidates/Applicants to control their data that is within the CB ecosystem.

      To accomplish this, there are three (3) aspects that need to be considered: 1) Verifying the Work and Education History of the Candidate, 2) Allowing them to control the data in regards to who can access and when, and 3) A way to display these controls and visibility of verification aspects from a Candidate and Employer side.

      This Epic will cover the need to allow the Candidate to control the data, as in who can their verified data and for how long.

      1. Once the work is done to allow for Work and Education history to be verified and tied back to a Candidate's Profile, they need to be able to control this data.
      2. Data control shall be accomplished within the Consumer Profile page, which is further described in DMS-1113
      3. The User shall be able to control the following aspects of their verified Work and Education history:
        • List of all companies in which they have applied.
        • Per each company, dictate what verified Work and Education history to share.
          • Basically a toggle of On/Off or Yes/No for each verified item to whether it is shared with the company.
        • Determine the length in which they have access to each verified Work and Education item.
          • Candidate will be able to choose time frames based on one of the following options:
            • While they are still in the running to be hired (so if they are hired or no longer considered, then access is removed)
            • Manually turn off
            • Specify a date
      4. One item to note is that only verified Work and Education items can be controlled.
        • If either a Work or Education item comes back as not being verified, then no label will show.
          • It is illegal to show what is not verified publicly and to the Candidate due to discrimination and right to hire elements.
      5. On the Candidate Profile, any information that is verified shall have a tag labeled "Verified" per each Work and Education item
        • This means that if there were four (4) job the  Candidate held before, and all 4 have been verified as being corrected, then each will have the "Verified" label.



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              samir Samir
              Robert.Malony Robert Malony (Inactive)
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