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  1. Document Management System
  2. DMS-1113

Moving Candidate Portal to Consumer Profile



    • Type: Epic
    • Status: To Do
    • Priority: High
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Affects Version/s: None
    • Fix Version/s: None
    • Labels:
    • Company:
      All Clients/Multiple Clients
    • Epic Name:
      DMS in Consumer Profile


      There is a company wide directive to update the Consumer and Employer sites UIs to be more up-to-date and to be uniform/standardized across most products so that each product has the same CB feel.  One of the main redesigns is around the Consumer website, which had been historically geards to Job Seekers, but is being updated to encompass Candidates and Applicants now.

      Since the flow of a non employer is Jobs Seeker > Candidate > Applicant > New Hire, it makes sense that there needs to be one login, website, and most importantly Profile page that the User accesses, regardless what stage they are in from Job Seeker to Applicant.

      This Epic is focused on moving the DMS Candidate Portal into the Consumer Profile.  Right now, the Candidate Portal is only accessible from Email links to view the documents that are assigned and historically created, so the time is right to move over to Consumer Profile as they can access documents at anytime.


      1. The current Candidate Portal needs to be moved over to the Consumer Profile page.
        • Development and Code that has been done should be applied to the code base for Consumer OR
        • Need to see if it's better/possible to copy what is done with CBAT integrating the DMS to show the DMS features inside of CBAT.
      2. A new DMS section will be added the Consumer Profile to provide the Candidate the ability to view Documents they are assigned and also historically have completed.
        • This will also include the Pre-Verification aspect that is explained in DMS-1112 
          • Viewing verified Work and Education historical items.
          • Controls to determine what companies have access to verified data and duration of that access.
      3. Moving to Consumer Profile will allow for the work needed for DMS-1107
        • That includes grouping assigned Forms and Reference Documents together
        • List of Forms they are currently assigned and need to complete and sign
        • Forms they have completed before
        • View, download, and print all forms (currently assigned and historical ones)
      4. Emails to complete assigned documents will take the User to the DMS portion of the Consumer Profile page.
        • The focus should be on those assigned documents to complete.



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              samir Samir
              Robert.Malony Robert Malony (Inactive)
              0 Vote for this issue
              1 Start watching this issue

