
    • Type: Epic
    • Status: To Do
    • Priority: Medium
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Affects Version/s: None
    • Fix Version/s: Winter release
    • Labels:
    • Company:
    • Epic Name:
      DMS Architecture


      Offer secure customer access to intuitive document management system in which users can create, store, and upload forms easily.

      User Stories
      Within this document, all individuals with accounts on one, a combination, or all of the following products: CBAT, CBES, and WT will be represented with the generic term, "CB Software user."
      1. As an existing CB Software user, I want to have a seamless experience moving from one app to the DMS and see the same branding throughout.
      2. As an existing CB Software user using the DMS, I want to securely log into the DMS so I will know my information is not being compromised.
      3. As a CB Software user using the DMS, I want to be able to access the content/functionality DMS as a standalone so that I can get to it outside of software products, if needed.
      4. As a non-CB Software user using the DMS, I want to be able to access the content/functionality DMS as a standalone since I do not have any integrated products.
      5. As an existing CB Software user using the DMS, I want to be able to navigate to the DMS and have it automatically authenticate me as a user so I will not have to remember multiple login information.
      6. As a DMS user, I would like to see an intuitive, easy to navigate flow of options within the DMS module.
      6. As a DMS user, I want to be able to easily navigate to an area in which I can upload forms I have created and want to use to send to end users.
      7. As a DMS user, I want to be able to easily navigate to an area/library in which I can view all uploaded form templates.
      8. As a DMS user, I want to be able to easily navigate to an area/library in which I can view all completed/sent forms.
      9. As a DMS user, I want to be able to easily go into my completed/sent forms library and retrigger/resend a previous request due to end user not being able to find first attempt.
      10. As a DMS user, I want to be able to easily navigate to an email templates area of the portal, in which a user can use previous templates / create new templates to be used to send to end users.
      11. As DMS user, I would like to easily be able to navigate to the forms builder, in which I can build a form from scratch.
      12. As an admin DMS user, I would like to be able to easily navigate to where users are managed/updated.
      13. As a DMS user, I would like to be able to easily navigate to where account settings are located so that I can update the types of notifications, settings etc. for my account.

      Entry Criteria:
      1. The user navigates to DMS via login or through integrated app (ATS/CBES/WT).
      2. The user is presented with his/her portal dashboard.

      Exit Criteria:

      • The user exits out of portal if logged in, or navigates to another page if within integrated app.

      Acceptance Criteria:

      • IF I am logged into an integrated application, I can easily get to and be automatically authenticated into DMS to start using.
        *IF I am an existing CB User, when I am using the DMS, it has the same look and feel as all other CareerBuilder applications.
        *IF I am an existing CareerBuilder customer, I can log into the DMS securely.
      • IF I am a DNS user, I can clearly find the following: upload forms, forms library, completed/sent forms library, email template creation, form creation, user management, and account settings.


      • User is a current user of CBAT, CBES, or WT.
      • User knows how to access portal either by link or within CB application.


        1. 3 ER
          140 kB
        2. DMS_Dashboard.png
          89 kB
        3. DMS2.pdf
          57 kB
        4. DocumentRouting_ER.pdf
          34 kB
        5. DocumentTemplateFieldMapping_ER.pdf
          42 kB
        6. Forgot Password.png
          Forgot Password.png
          182 kB
        7. Login Screen.png
          Login Screen.png
          165 kB
        8. Login Screen Error.png
          Login Screen Error.png
          164 kB
        9. Login Screen User.png
          Login Screen User.png
          167 kB
        10. Login Screen User Error.png
          Login Screen User Error.png
          166 kB
        11. Userschema_ER.pdf
          36 kB


          samir Samir added a comment - Swapnil Pandhare Nandkumar Prabhakar Karlekar
          molly.ronovsky Molly Ronovsky (Inactive) added a comment -
          molly.ronovsky Molly Ronovsky (Inactive) added a comment - Trent Sherrell
          aruna.raheja Aruna Raheja added a comment -

          Samir Swapnil Pandhare Molly Ronovsky Nandkumar Prabhakar Karlekar

          Hi all,

          Please check the attached user flow

          cc Trent Sherrell

          aruna.raheja Aruna Raheja added a comment - Samir Swapnil Pandhare Molly Ronovsky Nandkumar Prabhakar Karlekar Hi all, Please check the attached user flow cc Trent Sherrell
          samir Samir added a comment -

          Attached is the zip file (3 ER ) t contains ER diagram for Document Template and User Management:




          samir Samir added a comment - Attached is the zip file (3 ER ) t contains ER diagram for Document Template and User Management: DocumentRouting_ER DocumentTemplateFieldMapping_ER Userschema_ER


            samir Samir
            molly.ronovsky Molly Ronovsky (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            4 Start watching this issue



                Time Tracking

                Original Estimate - Not Specified
                Not Specified
                Time Spent - 93.5h Remaining Estimate - 6h
                Time Spent - 93.5h Remaining Estimate - 6h