Status: Production Complete
Resolution: Bug Fixed
Affects Version/s: None
Fix Version/s: None
Component/s: UI Refresh
Environment:Pre Production
Bug Type:Functional
Bug Severity:Medium
Module:BenAdmin - Enrollment
Reported by:Harbinger
Item State:Stage QA - Production Deployment on Hold
Issue Importance:Must Have
Browser:Google Chrome
Code Reviewed By:Parmeshwar Jumbad
Chrome environment
Pre production
1. On enroll now page getting Zero cost for all plans due rates are not mapped.
2. On confirmation page-
a. Dependent Information- Child name is displaying upper side and Tile at lower side but about other information Titles are upper side and information re lower side.
refer Screen shot
b. Sequence are not proper of Jump Links on confirmation page
Admin Login-
1. Ui issue when add sub template.
1.Go to template management
2.Click on Import->add New
3.Go to till sub template tab-> Add sub template
Screen hot
2. Reports->
a. Dynamic reports-> Report Branding Setting-> Text and drop down missing
Screen shot-
Reports-> Dynamc reports-> getting execution failed
Screen shot-
- duplicates
NF-5317 PreProduction- Lendmark Company
- Rejected
NF-5332 Pre Production-BBNC company- Rates reports Ui Issue
- Rejected
NF-5356 Pre production - COB -mail merge report -UI not proper
- Rejected
NF-5408 Pre-Production- Optimum company- Dynamic reports- Execution error showing
- Rejected
- is caused by
NF-5395 Southern Regional>"From Date" and "To Date" validation messages are not similar
- Closed
- relates to
NF-5195 Preprod build deployment
- Open
NF-5588 codmap - Dynamic report -Getting server error on preview and save report
- Production Complete