Support Activity
Status: Open
Resolution: Unresolved
Affects Version/s: None
Fix Version/s: None
Component/s: UI Refresh
Reported by:Harbinger
Company:All Clients/Multiple Clients
Item State:Stage QA - Stage Deployed
- causes
NF-5378 Pre Prod - SBM - Report Page has too long unrequired vertical scroll OR Blank Space
- Resolution Setting
NF-5399 Pre-Prod | ESBA | SS mode | UI is disturbed
- Rejected
NF-5405 Pre-Prod | ESBA | SS mode | Showing Payroll schedule without selecting Eligible employees
- Closed
NF-5419 Incorrect alignment fo Select Plan and Check box for Vision benefit type
- Production Complete
NF-5444 PreProd | Milpitas Unified School District | Import failed
- Closed
- is blocked by
NF-5239 Prime Healthcare -> Pre- prod -> Selecting employee throws error
- Closed
NF-5259 Sonoma Academy -> Chrome -> EE mode -> Save and continue button disabled without changes under demographics
- Production Complete
- relates to
NF-2256 Functional - Any company - Employee Login - Landing page does not show uploaded images from manage welcome pages
- Stage Testing
NF-5197 Partner login - Global change employee password - Select name from dropdown - getting error
- Production Complete
NF-5199 Pre-prod :- City of Redding - EE login issues
- Closed
NF-5201 Module Mapping -> UVU -> Double core-hr module on Module mapping page
- Resolution Setting
NF-5203 UI - BioRad - Showing "No Data Found" instead of EE search widget
- Closed
NF-5204 IE-11- Pre Production Environment-Coshocton company- Spouse Page and Child Page- validation message missing when add spouse for second time.
- Rejected
NF-5206 IE-11- Pre Production Environment-Coshocton company- Spouse Page and Child Page- Save and Continue button not working
- Production Complete
NF-5208 IE-11- Pre Production Environment-Coshocton Company- Emergency Contact page- Save and Continue button issue
- Production Complete
NF-5210 IE-11- Pre Production- Coshocton company-System Message of Child page- "Form" word is missing and "Important Please read this message" this text should be in red color.
- Rejected
NF-5215 Pre-prod :- City of SSF - Server Error on Employee Reports
- Closed
NF-5216 IE-11- PreProduction- Coshocton- Company name is showing instead of logo
- Rejected
NF-5222 Pre prod testing: Auto-Chlor company getting server error
- Production Complete
NF-5223 Pre-prod :- City of Bellevue - Server Error on Employee Reports
- Closed
NF-5232 IE-11- Pre Production- Coshocton company-Logo is not appearing properly
- Production Complete
NF-5238 City of Bellevue For HSPL: admin login failed
- Resolution Setting
NF-5246 El Dorado: Not able to add employee
- Stage Testing
NF-5253 Matt: Getting server error for employee login
- Resolution Setting
NF-5317 PreProduction- Lendmark Company
- Rejected
NF-5321 Preprod- Emergency contact page state is not reflected as per country
- Resolution Setting
NF-5323 Pre-Prod : employee management page showing validation message for grey out fileds
- Closed
NF-5328 Pre Prod: Child page when click on add another child continue and back button disabled
- Closed
NF-5333 Pre Prod Validation message not showing properly for mandatory fields
- Closed
NF-5335 Firefox- Demographic page-Spelling is wrong of demographic
- Rejected
NF-5339 Virgin - Issue in Enroll Now Flexible Spending Account
- Stage Testing
NF-5343 ATC- add employee page -> Annually salary value reflected on other additional filed
- Resolution Setting
NF-5345 ATC- Spouse Information Page- State not reflected as per Country
- Closed
NF-5347 Pre Production - Any Company - Validation on date field is not working.
- Closed
NF-5349 Pre Production - UI - GSRMA - Alignment is not proper on Assign Classes and Payroll
- Stage Testing
NF-5375 Pre-Prod | Intrepid USA | EE level Eligibility Report | Serve Error.
- Closed
NF-5401 Pre Prod- Optimum- Provider logo cutting issue
- In Development
NF-5403 Pre Prod - Optimum- Whole Life plan-Nothing happens after clicking on Enroll Now
- Rejected
NF-5408 Pre-Production- Optimum company- Dynamic reports- Execution error showing
- Rejected
NF-5410 Pre Production - Employee - Functional - Enroll Now - Plan is appearing enrolled and Waive both
- Rejected
NF-5411 Address Pop up not showing when we change country and state
- Resolution Setting
NF-5422 Pre-Production- Flexible Spending Account - Dependent Care plan- Drop down of waiver selection button UI idistorted
- Production Complete
NF-5441 Employee dashboard quick links-Scroll bar color and size change issue
- Production Complete
NF-5489 PreProd | FDU | Employee| Benefit description | Junk characters are seen on Enroll now page
- Rejected
NF-5492 PreProd | FDU | Employee | Enroll Now and Beneficiary Pages | Full stop missing
- Closed
NF-5493 PreProd | UI | FDU | Partner | Report
- Rejected
NF-5494 PreProd | FDU | Partner | Report | Giving error
- Rejected
NF-5748 City of Bellevue: Logo Added as Background for SS mode
- Closed
NF-4890 UI - Any Company - EE OE - No provider logo on Enroll now for benefit plans..This is intermittent
- Closed
NF-5163 Application did not saved enrollment into plans in QE mode
- Production Complete
NF-5198 Partner Login - User access policy - Module edit - Displaying two Core HR option as selected
- Production Complete
NF-5205 City of Irvine -> Employee login -> Viewing reports throws server error
- Rejected
NF-5209 Partner Login - Company name - Search employee - Employee name link - Organization chart - Clicking link like Learn about your benefits login page displaying
- Production Complete
NF-5211 Partner login - OCSD - Employee management section displaying Rehire not like Production
- Closed
NF-5213 Partner login - Coshocton - ACA- IRS report errror
- Production Complete
NF-5217 City Of Irvine for Hspl -> Admin login -> Import fail
- Rejected
NF-5218 Pre-prod | JE Dunn | CA Login | Add Change term report | Server Error
- Closed
NF-5219 CAISO: No plans visible to enroll for any effective date
- Closed
NF-5220 Pre Prod | JE Dunn | Company Module Mapping | Core HR option showing twice
- Production Complete
NF-5221 CAISO: Logo Text Not Visible
- Closed
NF-5228 Pre-prod - Generic Eligibility rules criteria correction
- Resolved
NF-5231 DC Taylor Co -> Chrome -> Preprod -> Child Page -> Text overlap for country and state
- Rejected
NF-5234 Pre production-Preview button not working for Admin enrollment report and Rejection report
- Closed
NF-5237 Pre production-ASML for HSPL-sub template popup - UI is not proper
- Rejected
NF-5240 RCPS -> PreProd - Firefox -> Logo is too small, not clearly understandable
- Rejected
NF-5241 Pre production - All company - Enroll now- Both minimize links perform same functionality
- Rejected
NF-5244 Pre production - Austin - "Learn about your benefits" and "Tools and calculators" Quick links not working
- Stage Testing
NF-5248 Pre production- El Camino Hospital- spouse - state name not shown proper as per country name
- Closed
NF-5249 Pre production - El Camino Hospital - spouse - State shown without selecting country
- Reopened in Stage
NF-5251 PreProd - GBAPS - Not able to add new employee
- Production Complete
NF-5252 PreProd - GBAPS - Error on Search Employee
- Production Complete
NF-5254 Chrome- Pre Production environment-On enroll now page - Back and continue button is showing without enrolled any plan
- Rejected
NF-5256 Suburban Electric -> EE Login -> Sit Logo not appearing
- Rejected
NF-5257 Chrome- Pre Production environment-Appearing white background on lading page
- Closed
NF-5262 Pre production - El Camino Hospital - Able to add children with same child information (Same SSN)
- Rejected
NF-5263 Chrome- Pre Production environment- Plan comparision tool- benefit type list is missing
- Rejected
NF-5267 Chrome -Pre Production environment- BBNC company- Font issue
- Rejected
NF-5268 BBNC company- Not getting Enroll page for new employee
- Rejected
NF-5269 Firefox- Berryessa Union School District-UI and Functional Issues
- Rejected
NF-5270 PrePod | Groendyke - GeneralPlandesign -> Alignment for the coverage type field
- Production Complete
NF-5273 Pre Production-BBNC company
- Production Complete
NF-5274 NF:- Cambrian School District - Admin Login - No records found is being displayed on running an Enrollment Report
- Closed
NF-5275 PrePod | Groendyke | Wrong pop-up on Confirmation Statement
- Closed
NF-5276 All Companies -> Demographics -> Drop down Validation Issues
- Rejected
NF-5287 US Shale -> All Login -> theme not applied properly
- Closed
NF-5289 Southland -> EE flow -> Child Page -> Child getting in system when click on "continue"
- Closed
NF-5290 Southland -> EE Flow -> Enroll now -> Alignment issue
- Closed
NF-5291 PreProduction- Long Company
- Production Complete
NF-5292 Pre production - santa cruz medical group - child page popup -Spell mistake
- Rejected
NF-5293 Pre production-LHP company
- Rejected
NF-5295 Netsuite>Nothing happens after clicking on "Save & Continue" button while adding Spouse/Child during OE workflow
- Closed
NF-5296 NF:- SDRMA - No Back and Continue button on Child page in EE Workflow
- Closed
NF-5297 Southland -> Admin Login -> Extra Space observed in Qualifying Event report
- Rejected
NF-5298 Netsuite>Nothing happens after clicking on some of the links under "Quick Link" section on Employee Dashboard
- Rejected
NF-5300 Pre production - Primehealthcare - Classwise OE - Eligibility rule not set
- Production Complete
NF-5301 Pre production - Partner/Broker user - Partner added successfully without entering Password
- Production Complete
NF-5302 SDRMA>"Managing: Employee Name" label is displaying for employee login.
- Closed
NF-5303 SDRMA>Server error is displaying after saving .txt file as .jpg and uploading as a profile image
- Closed
NF-5305 SDRMA>Confirmation Statement>Box border is very thick
- Closed
NF-5306 SDRMA>Search and Delete icons are overlapping on Organization Chart page
- Closed
NF-5307 SDRMA>Close icon is displaying as a provider logo for Medical Plan
- Rejected
NF-5308 SDRMA>Some text is get clipped off while scrolling down the Quick Links widget
- Closed
NF-5309 Medicaid, Medicare information not showing pop up of saving
- Rejected
NF-5318 Metso benefits -> Confirmation statement -> UI Issues
- Closed
NF-5319 Metso benefits -> Confirmation statement -> Exported PFD file, showing blank
- In LB Testing
NF-5320 EE Login -> Waiving benefit type must show benefit name on Popup
- Rejected
NF-5324 Nations -> Partner -> Logo not Shown
- Rejected
NF-5325 Nations -> EE Login - > Reports -> Invalid date format throws error on viewing report
- Closed
NF-5329 Nations -> Admin Enrollment Report -> Preview , Save functionality not working
- Rejected
NF-5332 Pre Production-BBNC company- Rates reports Ui Issue
- Rejected
NF-5334 ILG -> Edge -> Clicking on Date of Birth from date picker, shows auto-fill entries once
- Rejected
NF-5338 Ledcor comapny- Landing page background color is too dark
- Production Complete
NF-5344 Sure Staff -> Org chart -> Search and Cancel symbol overlap
- Rejected
NF-5346 Pre-Prod_Alliance_Core HR Module displayed twice
- Production Complete
NF-5348 Pre production - city of west covina -EE workflow -Child page -Save and continue button not working
- Rejected
NF-5350 Pre production - city of west covina -EE workflow -Child page - child added after clicking on continue button
- Rejected
NF-5351 Text adding field should get populate when user clicks on Add button.
- Rejected
NF-5352 Quick links are not fitting properly on Employee Home page.
- Closed
NF-5353 Rows alignment is not proper on Plan comparison Tool page.
- Rejected
NF-5354 Pre production - Souse and child page -Message getting overlapped.
- Open
NF-5355 Pre production - city of west covina -EE workflow -Confirmation statement - UI is not proper
- Closed
NF-5356 Pre production - COB -mail merge report -UI not proper
- Rejected
NF-5359 Pre production - Edge - classwise open enrollment effective date rules - UI is not proper
- Production Complete
NF-5362 Rigaku company-Landing Page UI issue
- Rejected
NF-5363 Pre production - Chrome - MHIN - Welcome page - UI is not proper.
- Rejected
NF-5364 Pre Prod - IVS - Getting File Not Found message
- Closed
NF-5367 Pre production - MHIN - EE workflow - emergency contact - save and continue button not working
- Rejected
NF-5370 Double dots issue for Long Term Disability plan
- Rejected
NF-5376 Gateway School: HSPL Copy - No 'Add/Change Plan Design' Option for Admin
- Closed
NF-5382 AFI -> EE -> View Brochure -> Not Preview Available
- Resolution Setting
NF-5383 Pre Prod - DISYS - UI alignment is not proper on EOI Form
- Production Complete
NF-5386 Pre Prod | FDU | Employee Login Workflow | Gets stuck as after enrolling in to plans the workflow is not continuing.
- Closed
NF-5387 Pre production - learn about your health benefits - UI is not proper
- Stage Testing
NF-5388 Safari -> UI issues
- Closed
NF-5390 Pre Prod - EHMC- Cost alignment are not proper
- Production Complete
NF-5392 NF:- MATT - Onboard curtain not displayed even if it is mapped on company module mapping
- Closed
NF-5393 City of Santa Rosa>"File Not Found" message is displaying while downloading benefit related files
- Rejected
NF-5398 Pre Prod - Nexion - SSO Integration - Nothing happens after clicking on Enroll Now
- Closed
NF-5402 FRMC -> Benefits Provider -> Global level Benefits are not displaying
- Closed
NF-5414 PreProd - Alliance - modules are not showing as per mapping done on company
- Production Complete
NF-5416 Sumter Family Health Center - waive button color issue
- New Request
NF-5418 Pre production - Sumter Family Health Center -Brochure UI is not proper
- Production Complete
NF-5423 NF:- ACPS - Upload documents pipe blinker displayed on Browse button
- Closed
NF-5424 Pre Prod - Prime HealthCare - Directly navigate to next page from enroll now without enrolling / waiving Plans
- Production Complete
NF-5426 NF:- Santa Cruz Medical Group - Blank cost displayed for Short Term Disability plan
- Closed
NF-5427 UI - EE Login - Manage Approval pop up - When Benefit type is waived pop up shows empty Parentheses ()
- Resolution Setting
NF-5430 City of San Marcos -> Emergency contact -> Primary relationship under Secondary contact details
- Rejected
NF-5434 NF - Superheat FGH - Existing and New EE workflow blocked on selecting any dependent on Enroll now page
- Closed
NF-5442 Enroll now- PCP- Disabled text accept input.
- Rejected
NF-5445 Pre Prod- FMSD - Approval Pending waived record not displayed on Confirmation Statement
- Production Complete
NF-5449 Pre Prod - Superheat FGH - New Hire Landing Page text alignment changed on selecting Employee Usage Agreement / Legal Agreement
- Rejected
NF-5451 Pre-Prod : Beneficiary Option in the tunnel
- Closed
NF-5452 Pre Prod | Employee Count on Dashboard and Search EE page mismatched.
- Production Complete
NF-5453 Pre-Prod Getting error on EE loging >> Dashboard and Quicklinks( cannot access)
- Closed
NF-5454 Pre Prod | Employee Census and Eligibility Report not showing any data.
- Closed
NF-5456 Pre-Prod: Standard Report>> Billing Details Report Error
- Production Complete
NF-5459 Pre-Prod: ADD/change plan design>> delete plan "PreProd test" on MATT
- Production Complete
NF-5468 Pre production - Luther Burbank School District -EE - enrollment links widget scroll bar - UI is not proper
- Closed
NF-5505 Alignment error in Medical >> Kaiser plan
- Production Complete
NF-5508 Error for EE login for Onboard and ESSM
- Production Complete
NF-5562 Pre Prod | Precision | Add Employee | Server Error.
- Closed
NF-5563 Pre Prod | Precision Workforce | Company Information page unable to update
- Closed
NF-5569 Prep-prod>> Standard reports alignment error
- Closed
NF-5570 Pre Prod | Precision | EE workflow gets stucked even after enrolling in all plans.
- Closed
NF-5727 COB - Template management link not open
- Closed
NF-5734 NF:- Preprod site :- Employee and Admin Login - User is able to click on the Company Logo which reloads the page
- Closed
NF-5750 GBAPS- Getting server error on "Dependent life warning" additional form
- Closed
NF-5765 Pre production - Edge - New Hire / Rehire Effective Date Rules - UI is not proper
- Closed
NF-5770 Pre production - EE workflow - Demographics - save and continue button not working
- Rejected
WB-539 NF:- SBSC - Confirmation Statement page not being displayed in EE Workflow after clicking on Save & Continue button on Beneficiary Page in New Hire Mode
- Closed
WD-387 Employee import -> Import fails for 2000 plus records for Sync Mode
- Closed