Status: Closed
Resolution: Done
Affects Version/s: None
Fix Version/s: None
Component/s: BenAdmin
Bug Type:Functional
Bug Severity:Critical
Module:BenAdmin - Report
Reported by:Client
Company:All Clients/Multiple Clients
Item State:Production Complete - Closed
Sprint:WT Sprint 41
Dev Estimates:35
QA Estimates:4
Code Reviewed By:Prasanna Karlekar
Development Approval:Yes
Deployment Approval:Approved for production deployment
Please review the Billing Summary Report in Production - Client Name - Superheat FGH. This needs to be corrected as soon as possible, this is affecting the client and they as many other clients use this report to submit their volume and counts to their Life carriers to pay their premiums.
The following plan premiums are not calculating correctly:
Plan 1:
Basic Life - Basic Life - Lincoln Financial Group
Rate Name: 2016 - 2018 Basic Life-Basic Life
Report shows $3,134.56, but when you manually calculate it the premium comes out to be $3,134.05 (volume*rate/coverage divisor) (16072050.00*0.1950/1000). There is a difference of $0.51.
Plan 2:
Plan: Basic AD&D-Basic AD&D-Lincoln Financial Group
Rate Name: 2016 - 2018 Basic AD&D-Basic AD&D
Report shows $401.33, but when you manually calculate it the premium comes out to be $400.83 (volume*rate/coverage divisor) (16033050.00*0.0250/1000). There is a difference of $0.50.
Plan 3:
Plan: Voluntary Child Life-Voluntary Child Life-Lincoln Financial Group
Rate Name: 2016 - 2018 Vol Child life-Child Life
Report shows $75.62, but when you manually calculate it the premium comes out to be $75.73 (volume*rate/coverage divisor) (380000.00*0.1993/1000). There is a difference of $0.11.
This is also similar to WT 9738.