

    • Type: Epic
    • Status: In Progress
    • Priority: Medium
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Affects Version/s: None
    • Fix Version/s: Winter release
    • Labels:
    • Company:
    • Epic Name:
      Upload form to DMS


      Offer users the ability to upload pre-created forms into DMS so that they can send to an end user to collect further information.

      User Stories
      1. As a DMS user, I want the ability to upload a pre-created document that I have already created so that I can send to an end user.
      2. As a DMS user, I want to be able to fill out the following fields on the upload page so that I can properly describe my document and save with this information: Name, Description, Private/Public, Signature/Reference.
      3. As a DMS user, I want to be able to create a document as either ‘Private’ or ‘Public’, so that if I choose ‘Private’, I am the only user that can see/edit that document, whereas if I choose ‘Public’, it can be seen/used by anyone on the DMS platform.
      4. As a DMS user, I want to be able to create a document as either ‘Signature’ or ‘Reference’, so that I can differentiate documents that need information filled out / signed (‘Signature’) vs. documents that are just part of the process and need to be sent to an end user (ie. Company manual). we may want to rename ‘Signature’ to something else, will ask UX – this is what Sertifi called it
      5. As a DMS user, I want to be able to map fields so that information that has already been given to me by end user is already prefilled in for them vs. having them fill it out again.
      6. As a DMS user, I want to be able to upload a document that may contain any number of pages and attributes so that I do not have any limitations.
      7. As a DMS user, I want my uploaded documents to be able to require an electronic signature so that I can have my end user sign the form.
      8. As a DMS user, I want to be able to edit the details of my document.

      Entry Criteria:
      1. The user navigates to DMS via login or through integrated app (ATS/CBES/WT).
      2. The user clicks on area for uploading forms.
      3. The user uploads form, fills out desired fields, and maps desired fields.

      Exit Criteria:
      *The user clicks save.
      *The user exits out of portal if logged in, or navigates to another page if within integrated app.

      Acceptance Criteria:
      *IF I am in the DMS, I can easily click on upload and upload my pre-created form.
      *IF I am a user that has uploaded a form, I can enter the form name, description, mark the settings, and map desired fields from integrated applications.
      *IF I am a user who has uploaded a form, I can go back into the form later and edit the details of the form.


      • User is a current user of CBAT, CBES, or WT.
      • User knows how to access portal either by link or within CB application.


        1. DMS_Schema_New.xlsx
          19 kB
        2. DMS-CreateDocumentTemplateTestcases.xls
          42 kB
        3. Revisiting Standards.sketch
          3.85 MB
        4. Screen Shot 2018-10-29 at 11.36.04 AM.png
          Screen Shot 2018-10-29 at 11.36.04 AM.png
          202 kB
        5. Upload_doc_css.docx
          13 kB
        6. Upload_form_assests.zip
          355 kB
        7. Upload_forms_dropdownlist_new.png
          190 kB
        8. Upload_forms_filled_error.png
          235 kB
        9. Upload_forms_filled.png
          212 kB
        10. Upload_forms.png
          185 kB

          Issue Links



              samir Samir
              molly.ronovsky Molly Ronovsky (Inactive)
              0 Vote for this issue
              4 Start watching this issue



                  Time Tracking

                  Original Estimate - Not Specified
                  Not Specified
                  Remaining Estimate - 0h
                  Time Spent - 28.25h