
    • Type: Epic
    • Status: In Progress
    • Priority: Medium
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Affects Version/s: None
    • Fix Version/s: Winter release
    • Labels:
    • Company:
    • Epic Name:
      DMS Forms Library


      Allow users to access and maintain a forms library in which they are able to edit, modify, and archive forms within their DMS.

      User Stories
      1. As a DMS user, I want the ability to go to a designated area in the DMS to see all available forms (forms library).
      2. As a DMS user, I want to be able to download a form to my desktop so that I can have a copy available outside of the DMS.
      3. As a DMS user, I to be able to archive forms that I have previously uploaded so that they cannot be used, but still have a record of it in the DMS.
      4. As a DMS user, I want to be able to type in a search box and search library of forms to find a form easily.
      5. As a DMS user, I want to be able to see the following columns so I have the details associated with the form at a glance: Name, Upload Date, Uploaded By, Always Open, Valid From, Valid To, Download, Archive

      Entry Criteria:
      1. The user navigates to DMS via login or through integrated app (ATS/CBES/WT).
      2. The user clicks on area for forms library.

      Exit Criteria:
      *The user exits out of portal if logged in, or navigates to another page if within integrated app.

      Acceptance Criteria:
      *IF I am in the DMS, I can easily click on forms library to see all available forms.
      *IF I am a user in the forms library, I can download and archive forms within library.
      *IF I am in the DMS, I can search the library of forms via keywords.
      *IF I am in the DMS, I can visually see the information about a sent/completed form within the library.


      • User is a current user of CBAT, CBES, or WT.
      • User knows how to access portal either by link or within CB application.


        1. Archive_Form_list_delete.png
          103 kB
          Aruna Raheja
        2. Archive_Form_list_delete.png
          103 kB
          Aruna Raheja
        3. Archive_Form_list.png
          187 kB
          Aruna Raheja
        4. DMS4.pdf
          54 kB
          Aruna Raheja
        5. Document libarary and DB fields mappingsDMS-4.docx
          171 kB
          Nandkumar Prabhakar Karlekar
        6. Form_list_edit_select_option1.png
          314 kB
          Aruna Raheja
        7. Form_list_edit_select_option2.png
          321 kB
          Aruna Raheja
        8. Form_list_edit_template_option3.png
          203 kB
          Aruna Raheja
        9. Form_list_edit_template_upload.png
          222 kB
          Aruna Raheja
        10. Form_list.png
          196 kB
          Aruna Raheja
        11. Form_list-ts.png
          472 kB
          Trent Sherrell
        12. forms library.png
          41 kB
          Molly Ronovsky
        13. FormsLibraryTestcases.xls
          21 kB
          Jayshree Nagpure
        14. screenshot-1.png
          95 kB
          Molly Ronovsky

          Issue Links



              samir Samir
              molly.ronovsky Molly Ronovsky (Inactive)
              0 Vote for this issue
              5 Start watching this issue



                  Time Tracking

                  Original Estimate - Not Specified
                  Not Specified
                  Remaining Estimate - 0h
                  Time Spent - 48.5h