Status: Closed
Resolution: Done
Affects Version/s: None
Fix Version/s: None
Component/s: None
Module:BenAdmin - Export
Reported by:Client
Item State:LB QA - In Testing
- causes
NF-4240 Open Enrollment Dashboard - Check Box click Scroll issue.
- Resolution Setting
NF-4254 OE start date and OE END date is not reflecting all values on all fields
- Resolution Setting
NF-4427 OE Dashbaord > OE Start Date field accepts characters instead of showing datepicker
- Resolution Setting
NF-4438 Search is not working as expected
- Resolution Setting
NF-4443 Tooltip is not provided to all COLUMN names
- Resolution Setting
NF-4447 Export button UI is disturbed
- Resolution Setting
WT-10177 OE Dashboard > OE start Date and End Dates for classwise OE are not getting updated
- Closed
WT-10179 OE start date is not showing DATE PICKER
- Closed
- is cloned by
WT-10478 UI implementation for open enrollment dashboard.
- Closed
- relates to
NF-4497 UI Refresh -> Open Enrollment Dashboard
- Resolution Setting
NF-3294 Validation is not provided to Fiscal year start month
- Resolution Setting
NF-4429 UI is getting disturbed while adding Carrier Notes
- Resolution Setting
NF-4466 ui is disturbed for Flag dropdown - YES or NO
- Resolution Setting
Attached Test cases - WT-9798 TC.xls
CC-Hrishikesh DeshpandeAniruddha DevRakesh Roy