Status: Production Complete
Resolution: Done
Affects Version/s: None
Fix Version/s: None
Component/s: BenAdmin
Bug Type:Functional
Bug Severity:Medium
Module:BenAdmin - Import
Reported by:Harbinger
Item State:Production Complete - Closed
Issue Importance:Must Have
Sprint:WT Sprint 33-Bugs
Precondition :
1) Create one benefit level waived import template
2) Waiver reason field is not in template
3) Waiver reason is mandatory for waiving the plan
Replication Steps :
1) Navigate up to Manual Import Export Page
2) Import Data
Issue : Data imported successfully. Ideally it should go to bad file because waiver reason is mandatory.
CC - Sachin Hingole
- relates to
WT-8262 Importing Waived Benefit Type data
- Production Complete
Similarly , If waiver reason is mapped in template and having BLANK or NULL values for waiver reason in File then Data imported successfully . Ideally it goes to bad file