Status: Closed
Resolution: Done
Affects Version/s: None
Fix Version/s: None
Component/s: BenAdmin
Bug Type:Functional
Bug Severity:Medium
Module:BenAdmin - Import
Reported by:Others
Company:All Clients/Multiple Clients
Item State:Production Complete - Closed
Sprint:WT Sprint 41
Dev Estimates:22
QA Estimates:6
Code Reviewed By:Jaideep Vinchurkar
Development Approval:Yes
Deployment Approval:Approved for stage deployment, Approved for production deployment
*Scenario - *
1) On Template Settings set date format as 'YYYYMMDD'.
2) Add Employee's effective date field in sub template and map it to 'Employee Effective Date'.
3) Manual or Scheduled import gets failed.
Cause -
When system tries to convert date value string to date format, it throws an exception. Ex. ''20100101' string can not convert to Date'. Since, string value don't have any separator, CType function can not convert it to appropriate date format.
Correction -
Code change is needed
- duplicates
WT-12735 Fix Import File Failures
- Closed
- is caused by
WT-10805 User generation for failed Imports after Employee data is inserted - Implementation
- Production Complete
- is duplicated by
WT-12449 CVHP - Import failure
- Closed
- relates to
NF-5470 Effective Date format issue for Employee Import
- Resolution Setting